Monday, May 31, 2010

Sacred Rose Nourishment

Tea has been consumed for thousands of years. And more tea is consumed each year around the world than any other non-alcoholic beverage. All tea is produced from a plant called Camellia Sinensis.

Herbal teas are not produced from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis.
Herbal tea is often referred to as an herbal tisane or herbal infusion created from the flowers, leaves, barks and roots of the plant nation.
Herbal teas are known for their anti-oxidant attributes.

Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Teas provide health benefits for the physical body and harmonic resonance for the subtle body. The subtle or energy body is composed of seven majors chakras. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”, “circle” - the wheel of life. Chakras are sacred energy centers. The seven chakras are aligned to the spinal column in ascending order from the base or root to the crown.

We as humans are complex physical and spiritual beings with a divine blueprint encoded in our chakra system. Our chakras are sacred vortices that assist the spiritual world to interface with the material world.

The first or root chakra located at the base of the spine forms our foundation in life which represents the earth element. This chakra roots us back to mother providing us the potential to be grounded into the earth plane. If this chakra is blocked an individual may experience life as unsafe.

Two Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Teas that activate the first chakra are Mother Earth® and Matri®.
Mother Earth® is a spicy blend of ginger, spearmint fennel and sage that assists the physical body as a digestive aid. Mother Earth® facilitates those drinking the Sacred Rose® blend by grounding them into the first chakra with a sense of fullness and security.

Matri® is a Sacred Rose® blend that was developed as a vibrational remedy to guide one consciously through the birthing process.

Matri® - a delicate blend of nettles, red raspberry, rose hips, alfalfa, dandelion, lemon and ginger that breathes women in birth in the most high and loving way. This tea mineralizes the physical body. Metaphysically it activates the frequency of manifestation; concept into fruition assisting those who often procrastinate in life.

Marti® and Mother Earth® are two blends that provide sacred nourishment to the first Chakra bringing it into balance so one can navigate the physical world with a safe firm foundation in life.

For those of you choosing a sip, spot or taste of Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea visit us in New York at
The Water Well 386 New York Ave, Huntington Village, NY 11743 or
Ripe Art Gallery 67A Broadway, Greenlawn 11740

Nourishing the body mind with sacred food is a gift from the enlightened ones and practiced in every spiritual tradition worldwide. Honoring the vital essence of food and beverage is as old as the abundant fruits of the paradise, what is new is the book launch for Divine Nourishment.

Divine Nourishment
A Woman’s Sacred Journey with Food

June 1st Official Book Launch on

Please join Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea today in this special offer from Mary Lane.

If you purchase this Divine book TODAY you will receive exciting gifts
from many respected transformational leaders, including a fabulous
bonus from Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea

Divine Nourishment, A Woman’s Sacred Journey with Food connects the
dots between the revolutionary food movement, living and eating
according to the Earth’s wisdom, and the healing and reclamation of
the Divine Feminine. It not only explains the connection, but also
gives you practical guidance to heal and restore your sacred
relationship with them all. You receive practices, stories, seasonal
tips and insights, even recipes in this profound, honest, and
supportive book.

To buy your copy today and receive your gifts, go to:

Sacred Rose USA Sacred Rose Canada Sacred Rose Europe

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